
How Big Can Your House Get In Animal Crossing Wild World

can somebody tell me how to expand my house..?

Question asked past walaa96 on

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can somebody tell me how to aggrandize my house..?

Expect I've been trying my best to earn money and sell things..i have this footling problem..i don't know how to upgrade my house and brand information technology please if someone knows how to assistance in a style..i would appreciate it :D

Thank you to whoever helps me Smile ten

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Guest answered:

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i did -.- but im not gettin it bruv :Due south

acgmindmaster12 answered:

To aggrandize your house you have to go to The Town Hall and go talk to the duck. She will give you an option to pay your mortgage. Once you pay off all of it talk to Tom Nook. He volition tell you he'south going to expand your house. But you will have to pay the mortgage again and it will be more expensive. Plus it will take an extra day to brand.

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awww thanks u helped alot x

Guest said: 7th Dec 2013 | Written report

cheers then much

Invitee said: 19th February 2022 | Written report

did not show up to pay the mortgage

ponypigtialgirl answered:

All y'all take to practise is go to town hall to the mailing window. And so Pelly or Phyllis volition enquire yous what they can do for you. Select "Pay mortgage". When your mortgage is completely paid off, go to Tom Nook and he will ask you if you want to aggrandize your home, say yes.
Hope this helped,

Guest answered:

go talk to tom nook and it will say house upgrade or something similar that

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